I am extremely excited to announce that next Tuesday, September 16, 2014, I will speak about wine law at a CLE course. The course, titled “Introduction to Wine Law” will take place at Ashton’s Alley Restaurant in New York City. The CLE program is scheduled to run from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM and will cover several basic topics: federal regulation, state regulation, and the dormant commerce clause in relation to the 21st Amendment (Granholm v. Heald and its aftermath). The course is pending CLE credit. Wine and cheese will be served.
If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP to Genhui Liaoye at genhui.liaoye@rosenfarb.com or (855) 415-4544.
DISCLAIMER: This blog post is not intended as legal advice, and no attorney-client relationship results. Please consult your own attorney for legal advice.