As Election Day nears and the outcome for Washington State’s privatization of liquor sales will be determined, On Reserve felt it necessary to provide additional information with respect to I-1100 and I-1105 and local discussion from recent news publications. It is important for voters of Washington State to enter the…
New Virginia Law Promotes Wine Industry
Governor Bob McDonnell of Virginia recently signed a wine bill into law. The new law, which is said to promote Virginia’s wine industry, will work to more than double the size of the state’s wine industry. Prior to the signing of this bill into law, Virginia’s wine industry had received…
Illinois Wine-Tasting Ordinance Creates Uncertainty When Executed
An interesting tidbit emerges today in the world of wine, law, and news: a brochure posted for an Illinois wine-tasting festival seemed to be ambiguous and could be interpreted to allow an indefinite amount of wine consumption by tasters. Last month, the city of Geneva hosted a wine-tasting festival called…
New Iowa Law is Problematic for Wine Businesses
Iowa’s new direct shipment law, which was designed to help the State gross revenue with respect to wine imports, has served as a hindrance to many local Iowa wine businesses. The law, which was approved and instated in July of 2010, changed the State from a reciprocal shipment state to…
H.R. 5034 Makes the New York Times
An article written by Eric Asimov was just posted in the New York Times discussing the proposed bill, H.R. 5034 or the Comprehensive Alcohol Regulatory Effectiveness Act of 2010, that aims to limit interstate shipment of wine. For wine enthusiasts and supporters of free trade, the post in the Times…
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Extending The Granholm Interpretation: The Nexus of Illinois Wine Shipment And HB 0429
On July 1, 2007, a bill called HB 0429 became law in the state of Illinois and amended the Liquor Control Act of 1934. (See Illinois Liquor Control Act of 1934.) Prior to the enforcement of HB 0429, Illinois constituents could have wine shipped to them from wineries or retailers that…
Washington State Elections: A Fundamental Change for Alcohol Laws?
The upcoming Washington State elections on November 2, 2010 will determine a key element with respect to restrictions on alcoholic beverage sales. At the polls, constituents will be asked to vote on two state initiatives that could change the state’s alcohol regulatory system, a system that has scantly changed since…
California Governor Signs New Wine Legislation
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently signed two wine-related measures that were authored by North Coast State Senator Patricia Wiggins: Senate Bill (SB) 806 and Senate Bill (SB) 1096. SB 806 goes into effect on January 1, 2011 and permits wine to be returned to the state of California when the wine is…
Michigan Stores Could Sell Liquor Before Noon on Sundays if Governor Passes New Law
A new Michigan law, if passed by Governor Jennifer Granholm, could allow Michigan stores to sell liquor before noon on Sundays. The legislation would provide a $160 fee for stores to begin selling liquor at 7 A.M. on Sundays. Currently, Michigan stores pay $90 to sell liquor starting at noon…