According to Wine Business, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (“OLCC”) submitted a letter to TTB in regard to a Napa Valley wine company’s alleged non-compliance with TTB labeling and advertising regulations. The complaint argues that the Elouan and The Willametter wines produced by Copper Cane LLC of Rutherford, California—which boast Oregon…
Tag: labeling
TTB Revises Guidance Document on Personalized Labels
On September 5, 2017, TTB issued a new public guidance document, TTB G 2017-2, for personalized labels which the agency said supersedes its prior guidance TTB G 2011-05 but does not “completely change the underlying policy.” See TTB Public Guidance, TTB G 2017-2, Personalized Labels. Per TTB, the new guidance…
TTB Opens Comment Period for Three Proposed Wine Rules
On Wednesday, October 11, 2017, TTB announced that it would reopen comment period for three relevant proposed rules for the wine industry. The proposed rules were originally published in the Federal Register in 2016. The following rules have their comment periods reopened: Notice No. 160, Proposed Revisions to Wine Labeling and…
Cider Chat and Cider Law
I was recently interviewed in a podcast by Ria Windcaller of Cider Chat. We had a one-hour discussion on cider law, obtaining permits with TTB, labeling, advertising, social media, and various other topics that impact the cider community. It was a great experience, and the chat is available to listen…
Texas Proposes to Change State Wine Law Regarding Appellations of Origin
Recently, the state of Texas saw some interesting action with respect to wine and the law. House Bill 1514, sponsored by Rep. Jason Isaac, relating to the labeling of wine as originating from the state is causing a significant amount of concern among winemakers. The bill proposes to change the Texas Alcoholic…
TTB Proposes Revisions to Wine Label Regulations and Recordkeeping
On Wednesday, June 22, 2016, TTB published a notice in the Federal Register proposing important changes to wine labeling regulations and recordkeeping requirements. Comments to the proposed changes will be accepted through August 22, 2016 and can be submitted through the Federal Register website). The notice proposes to amend TTB’s labeling and…
TTB Administratively Approves New Grape Varieties Mustang and Riverbank
TTB announced last week that it administratively approved two new grape varieties for use on American wine labels. The new grape varieties, Mustang and Riverbank, can be used on American wine labels contingent upon TTB’s next rulemaking to update the list of approved varieties in the CFR (i.e., at 27 CFR…
TTB Makes Small Change to COLA Process
In an industry circular dated October 2, 2015, the TTB announced that it made a minor administrative change—and perhaps a very welcome update—to the label approval process. TTB will no longer return label applications to fix discrepancies between what appears on the label and what is stated on the application itself with…
Recent Publication: Label Lawsuit Lessons
The November/December 2015 issue of Vineyard & Winery Management magazine features one of my most recent articles, Label Lawsuit Lessons. The article details the implications the 2014 Supreme Court case POM Wonderful LLC v. Coca-Cola Co. may have on the wine industry. Specifically, the article looks at the idea that a COLA may simply be…
Winery Files Opposition to Trademark Registration of HBO’s Three-Eyed Raven
Last week, Franciscan Vineyards, Inc. of St. Helena filed an opposition to the mark THREE-EYED RAVEN, filed by Applicant Home Box Office, Inc., for alcohol beverages, energy drinks, and non-alcoholic drinks beverages and fruit drinks. Franciscan Vineyards opposes registration of THREE-EYED RAVEN on the grounds that registration is likely to…